

Saturday, December 22, 2007

¿Que Dice Maje?

Well, my time as a kayak instructor in Costa Rica ended this morning as I said goodbye to Anne and the guests and headed off to the beach to meet up with my family, who flew into San Jose yesterday. The last two weeks of trips went great, with lots of time spent learning and playing on the Sarapique and Sardinal rivers.

Because I am tired and wanting to get back to spending time with my family, rather than type about my time in CR, I am just going to include some pictures from the last five weeks that sum up my favorite memories from my time here. Enjoy!

The Lower Rio Pacuare

Laughing hysterically while loading the coaster

Anne catching air on my favorite boof in Costa Rica
Surf sessions on the Sarapique

Anne eating cans of Palmitos constantly

Beautiful roadside scenery

Finally figuring out the best approach to loading boats on the Coaster
The toucan sightings

My Nike Toketee booties that I was unwilling to throw away

Anne on top of the coaster after our afternoon "G & T" scouting run of the Sardinal

Trying to explain wall shots and how to deal with them
Anne trying to bite me